Contact Us




410 Calvert Ave
Alexandria VA 22301


Tell Us Your Thoughts

What's on your mind? feedback, comments, and questions are welcome. This form goes right to Chriss & Andrea and they will get back to you soonest.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pay weekly, biweekly or monthly?

Your membership will be deducted on the same day each month. If you would like to set up an alternative payment schedule, please email

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, as we only have month to month memberships you have the flexibility to cancel your membership anytime, we do however ask that you cancel within 2 weeks of you upcoming renewal date. Please refer to our Membership Agreement for specific details on cancellation policies and any associated fees. Our goal is to accommodate your needs while ensuring the best fitness experience for you.

Can I come in to try a class?

Yes, we offer a Complimentary Week to anyone who wants to try Trident Athletics for the first time. Simply complete the No Sweat Intro form and book in a time to come in for your consult. After you have attended your NSI we encourage you to become part of the community so you can make the most of what our gym has to offer. Schedule a No Sweat Intro Here

What amenities does your facility provide?

We equipped with CrossFit fitness equipment, dedicated spaces for group classes, Restroom, but unfortunately no showers. Happy to supply wet wipes if you need them. We also offer water stations, and a comfortable lounge area for relaxation and socializing. Our priority is to create an environment that supports your fitness journey holistically.


The coaches at Trident Athletics are here to help guide you on your fitness and nutrition journey. Feel better and be amazed by your results

Connect With Us

Trident Athletics

410 Calvert AVe

Alexandria Va, 22301


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